Empowering Systemic Change through Immersive Simulation

Welcome to God’s Little World


Welcome to God’s Little World, a re-created world designed to empower individuals and communities to overcome systemic challenges and achieve equity. With over 25 years of development, our simulation offers a realistic environment where players are trained to operate as citizens or bosses.

Experience a World of Opportunities

In God’s Little World, you will:

  • Work with Mentors: Receive guidance through challenges.
  • Solve Real-world Problems: Tackle issues individually and as a team.
  • Enjoy Peaceful Reflection: Use our tranquil areas for stress relief and reflection.

Unique Features of Our Simulation

  • Diverse Themes: Address health equity, financial stress, and more.
  • Expert Guidance: Incognito experts provide insider knowledge.
  • Realistic Roles: Engage with over 15 businesses and roles like Mayor, Doctor, and Bank President.
  • Well-being Focus: Reflective exercises and serene environments to manage stress.

Join us in God’s Little World and discover strategies for a better life in a supportive and enriching environment.

  • 1

    Individual Empowerment: Learn crucial skills within the themes at the individual level, guided by experienced mentors in peaceful settings conducive to learning.

  • 2
    Community Engagement: Gain networking and resources at the community level to break barriers and move beyond previous limitations, supported in a reflective atmosphere.
  • 3

    Institutional Advocacy: Address mechanisms and strategies to navigate bureaucracies and limitations within institutions that maintain the status quo, guided by expert strategies in a calming environment.


  • 4

    Policy Action:  Equip yourself with the tools to advocate for policy changes at a higher level. Understand bills and work collectively with your community to enact change, supported by leaders in a nurturing retreat setting.



Engage in Transformative Simulation


Each scenario in God’s Little World addresses themes like health equity and financial stress. Participants collaborate to strategize and effect change. We adapt challenges, rules, interactions, goals, and resources to each theme. Supported by community leaders, you will experience:

  • Real-life Interactions: Engage in scenarios that mirror real-life challenges.
  • Dynamic Learning: Receive coaching and problem-solving support from industry experts.

Dynamic Learning with Immediate Support from Leaders

n God’s Little World, your journey through various landscapes is a collaborative effort. Community leaders and industry experts work alongside you, exploring and learning together. This partnership allows for real-time coaching and collaborative problem-solving, offering personalized insights and strategies that can be immediately applied. This integrated support ensures that every participant not only understands but is also equipped to implement what they’ve learned to effect real-world change in a supportive, spiritually nourishing environment.

Latest Community Activity

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4

Become a Member

 Join us in our transformative sessions as we travel from city to city, offering a dynamic four-hour retreat that empowers participants through practical simulations. These sessions are designed to address and overcome systemic financial inequalities within local communities